Supply Chain Monthly #05
Find this month :
- Training in supply chain auditing
- To your feathers!
- They share their warehouses
- Learn how to control your supply chains.
- Hydrogen will soon be on our roads
- What to expect in the coming months
Welcome to our new members, SANOFI and FORVIA having joined the association since our last newsletter!

Behind the scenes
In 1997, the members of ASLOG created their Supply Chain performance evaluation tool. The objective of this reference system is to measure in order to improve, which is why France Supply Chain proposes :
- A senior training for consultants and working professionals;
- A Junior training for post-baccalaureate students and schools in Supply Chain Management (SCM);
- A team of qualified auditors to evaluate your supply chain

Learn how to master this unique tool and without equivalent in Europe thanks to a program given in France for 25 years by experts in supply chain audit.

The actors
Do you miss the letter and its editorial?
Would you like to speak or rather write?
Contact us for more information!

On display
April 25 marked the launch of the Warehouse Experts Community. The engagement of 32 participants helped clarify the purpose and next steps for this self-help group, including:
- site visits;
- the sharing of a good practice by Expert / Company at each meeting

The ETI / SME Program is a 6-month personalized support to teach you to master the keys and make your Supply Chain a competitive advantage.

These sheets illustrate how FSC members have made progress in mastering the fundamentals, whether it be supplier relationship management, warehouse automation and information gathering, service quality measurement or the organization of business forecasts.
What are the prospects for hydrogen-powered heavy goods vehicles for freight transport?
This conference introduces some of the European hydrogen truck projects currently being deployed or already running. It also addresses the strategic subject of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) with the role and aid of the State, institutions (ADEME, Europe) and financial partners and investment funds that can support companies investing in hydrogen mobility.

The next sessions
Préventica Paris - Logistics, transport and supply chain: Focus on feedback on prevention
Shipper Coalition Workshop - Route Africa - Wind for Goods
Launch of the Women in Supply Chain Community
LOGISMED - Omnichannelity at the heart of distribution logistics: trends and challenges
CO2 Meter Morning - How to go from an estimation of transport CO2 based on assumptions to a real measurement?
2 job offers or internships and more than 30 CVs of candidates are currently available on the site, HERE
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